
Developer Productivity

February 28th, 2024


As DevOps / Platform Engineers, Developers are our customers. Our goal is to make software enjoyable to design, develop, and maintain. Our success is measured by the productivity of development teams and their products.

The Road to Success

We will follow the journey of an organization down the road that leads to ultimate idealized success.

Some of the major milestones of this journey include:

  1. We realize there is a trip to make (See Our Iceberg Is Melting)

    1. We are not where we want to be. We may not know exactly where we want to be, but it ain't here.

    2. We have problems where we are. We know the types of problems we have, even if we don't know how to solve them. We know the things we don't want. The constraints or limits we'll put on the next place we call "home".

  2. We identify the goals

    1. For the company

    2. For the teams

    3. For the people

  3. We measure our current state

    1. Based on our goals, we determine what to measure - perhaps organizational performance: profit, market share, customer satisfaction; probably stability and throughput metrics such as deployment frequency, lead time to change, change failure rate, and time to restore service.

Some other thoughts for topics or "claims":

  • Agile without architecture is FrAgile